Present at EPF
The programme committee is looking for presentations related to peering and technical topics of interconnection.
Your presentation should address:
- Interconnection Automation
- Regional Peering
- Interconnection / Peering Internet Governance and Regulatory Topics
- Economic and Product Trends
- Peering / Interconnection strategies
- Interesting findings about Peering / Interconnection
- 400GE and beyond
- Any other hot topic related to Interconnection / Peering
Presentations must be of a non-commercial nature. Product or marketing heavy talks are strongly discouraged.
Submissions of presentations should be made to the programme committee.
Please include:
- Author’s name and e-mail address
- Presentation title
- Abstract
- Slides (if available)
- Time requested (max. 30 minutes incl. Q&A)
Please send in your presentation asap. We decide on a first come first serve basis.
The latest date for submission is June 16th, 2024.